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Changing Communities Through Access to Clean Water

Tanzania Reported by Convoy of Hope
Clean Water Access in Communities

In Tanzania, about 4 million people lack access to clean water. This is a fraction of the 2.3 billion people living in water-stressed countries today. To address this global issue, Convoy of Hope has implemented water interventions in program countries like Tanzania.

Water solutions can transform entire communities. Access to clean water reduces the spread of disease, decreases death rates, and improves economies. In many cases, lack of access to safe water also contributes to the lack of gender equality. Women often walk miles each day just to access water. When clean and safe water is accessible in a community, the socioeconomic standing of individuals changes significantly.

“Water-related gender norms often deepen vulnerabilities for young girls and women that drastic climate conditions, increasing social tensions, violence against women, and miles-long treks to wells already magnify,” Fortunate Zondo of Convoy of Hope’s Global Program team said. “The issue of clean water access is a pervasive one that disproportionately impacts the lives of young girls and women even further.”

At a primary school in Tanzania, water scarcity led to an increase of school dropouts, poor attendance, and increased rates of illness. In 2018, Convoy of Hope drilled a borehole that helped solve the issue of water scarcity in the community. Soon after, more than 500 children attended the school. Now, more than 5,000 community members benefit from reliable access to clean water.

‘’We are not using water for cooking, cleaning, and drinking only, but also for irrigation at the greenhouse and school garden where we grow vegetables for daily consumption,” said Mr. Kulwa, a teacher at the primary school in Tanzania. “This has contributed to the reduction of micronutrient deficiency among children and increased time for learning.”

The impact of access to clean water was wide-reaching. The health of community members, agricultural practices, and the region’s economy improved tremendously.

‘’I am happy now. I can walk a short distance to fetch water for daily-use activities in my household. I have enough time to do other economic activities for household income,” said Yusuph, one of the community members now using the well. “To ensure sustainability, community beneficiaries contribute some money for the well maintenance and repair.”

The school itself also benefited from its proximity to the water source. School engagement surged, only bolstering opportunities for students to break the cycle of poverty in their families.

‘’We thank Convoy of Hope for their endless support to our school. Now we have enough water for cooking, cleaning, classes, and for irrigation at our green house and school garden. Also, as you can see, the school environment looks so green and attractive because we planted shade trees and fruit trees,” said Haji, a student at another primary school in Tanzania.

Last year alone, Convoy trained 243,273 children and family members through Children’s Feeding. The training consisted of various topics surrounding health and nutrition, including WASH (water sanitation and hygiene).

Water is one of many vital ingredients in sustainable community transformation. Thank you for partnering with Convoy of Hope to change lives and communities around the world.



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