World Map

Where We Work

Unlocking Hope in
Neighborhoods &

Convoy of Hope is a humanitarian aid organisation with a heart for those who are suffering. Whether it’s after a disaster, feeding a hungry child, or helping a parent put food on the table, Convoy of Hope is proud to deliver your kindness to those who need it most.

Global Programme

In Europe …

Convoy of Hope’s operational hub in Europe allows us to greater serve communities throughout the region.  

As a field office, Convoy of Hope Europe responds to natural disasters and launches global programmes to help return hope to local communities.

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… and around the world.

Since Convoy of Hope was established, humanitarian aid has been delivered to hurting people in more than 130 countries. Convoy currently serves communities by empowering women, feeding kids, and helping farmers yield larger crops. A global network — which includes two regional offices in Europe and Australia — strengthens Convoy’s ability to respond to natural disasters, extreme poverty, and hunger.

From the field

Countries Where Convoy Works

Flag - Ethiopia


Convoy of Hope has worked in Ethiopia since 2010, beginning with Women’s Empowerment. In 2013, we expanded through partnerships, engaging local public schools to include a lunch programme as a way to reach the most malnourished children in their communities. The goal in Ethiopia is to invoke sustainability and empower families to generate income so they can provide long-term care for their children.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Ethiopia here.

Flag - Eswatini


In 2021, through partnership, Convoy of Hope began Children’s Feeding programming in Eswatini. The goal of this work is to provide nutritious meals to children and ensure they receive an education that will help them break the generational cycle of poverty.

Flag - Kenya


Through partners, Convoy of Hope has establishing strategic feeding programmes in Kenya since 2007. The same partnerships have given our organization a highly efficient means of conducting emergency-based feeding programmes during the frequent droughts and water crises that strike the country. Communities in the eastern and northern parts of the country are often hit hardest by these dry periods. In addition, Women’s Empowerment and Agriculture programmes have enabled us to partner with families on the road toward food security and long-term sustainability.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Kenya here.


In 2022, through local partners, Convoy of Hope’s Children’s Feeding
initiative expanded into its 13th African country: Madagascar. Through
Children’s Feeding, Convoy regularly provides nutritious meals to children
at 39 program centres. The goal is to expand Children’s Feeding, and then
to integrate Women’s Empowerment, Girls’ Empowerment, and Agriculture
programming. All of this will be done with the goal of providing long-term
sustainable solutions that can break the cycles of poverty and hunger.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Madagascar here.

Flag - South Africa

South Africa

Convoy of Hope, through partnership, has been feeding children in South Africa since 2013. Children engaged in the feeding programme receive meals through local schools and ministries. Convoy of Hope strives to increase the capacity of communities in South Africa, starting with children.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in South Africa here.

Flag - South Sudan

South Sudan

In 2021, through partnership, Convoy of Hope implemented Children’s Feeding in South Sudan to mitigate the needs children face. Through this school-based programme, children are receiving micro-nutrient enriched meals — supporting them in their education and helping them dream for their futures.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in South Sudan here.

Flag - Tanzania


Convoy of Hope started working in Tanzania in 2013 through Children’s Feeding and Women’s Empowerment programmes. We also launched Girls’ Empowerment groups in Tanzania, which provide school-aged girls with a safe environment to learn about life skills and other critical topics that will protect, equip, and empower them to become influential leaders in their communities and nation. The Agriculture programme in Tanzania was launched in 2014.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Tanzania here.

Flag - Togo


Togo is a small country in comparison to some of its West African neighbors. With high poverty rates and ongoing food insecurity — especially among rural households — the pressing need could not be overlooked. In 2019, through partnership, Convoy of Hope began ongoing programme activity in the schools through Children’s Feeding, all with the help of partnership. In the months and years ahead, Convoy anticipates growth and increased impact as programming continues to address malnutrition and works to build the capacity of families and communities throughout Togo.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Togo here.

Flag - Uganda


Convoy of Hope began working in Uganda in 2017 in response to the refugee crisis from the conflict in South Sudan. The partnership focuses on feeding children between 3 and 8 years old in schools primarily in three settlements. This humanitarian aid provides much-needed nutrition and encourages pre-primary school attendance.


In 2022, through partnership, Convoy of Hope launched its Children’s Feeding initiative. Convoy regularly feeds children nutrient-enriched meals in an effort to reduce the number of malnourished children. This results in higher school attendance, increased focus among the children, and improved performance in the classroom — all positively impacting their economic opportunities in the future. When children receive the proper nutrition they need to grow and develop, trajectories change and children can dream for their futures.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Zambia here.

Flag - Zimbabwe


Through partnership, Convoy of Hope has implemented both Children’s Feeding and Women’s Empowerment programming in Zimbabwe. Through Children’s Feeding, children are receiving micro-nutrient enriched meals — supporting them in their education and helping them dream for their futures. In addition, Women’s Empowerment is equipping and empowering women to create a bright, sustainable future for themselves and their families.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Zimbabwe here.

Flag - Bangladesh


Convoy of Hope launched a Children’s Feeding program in Bangladesh through an exciting new partnership. A year later, Convoy expanded to include Agriculture programming, which addresses long-term food security among families. With approximately one-fourth of the population is under 18 years, Convoy will be investing in the children and families in Bangladesh for years to come.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Bangladesh here.

Flag - Nepal


Convoy of Hope began working with key partners in Nepal during our response to the devastating earthquake of 2015. Due to the already overwhelming need within the country and its strategic location in Asia, Convoy of Hope had always planned on expanding work in Nepal as capacity allowed. The weeks and months following the earthquake provided the opportunity to shift our immediate response work to long-term recovery first, through Children’s Feeding. Convoy of Hope’s Women’s Empowerment and Agriculture programs followed shortly after.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Nepal here.

Flag - Philippines


Convoy of Hope began operating in the Philippines in 2003 based on strong partnerships that existed on the ground and our numerous responses to disasters in the region. Since the Philippines is a country that experiences frequent natural disasters and hosts a high rate of undernourishment and malnutrition, Convoy of Hope continues to have a presence there today.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in the Philippines here.

Flag - Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

In response to 2004’s devastating Indian Ocean tsunami, Convoy of Hope responded with food aid and critical relief supplies. In 2018, at the request of a strategic partner, Convoy began working to feed children in Sri Lanka and now feeds more than 1,000 children in key areas around the country. Convoy also supports efforts in education and community development.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Sri Lanka here.

Flag - Bulgaria


Convoy of Hope began working in Bulgarian communities in 2007. In 2020, Convoy started both Agriculture and Women’s Empowerment programming in Bulgaria and has since implemented Children’s Feeding.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Bulgaria here.

Flag - France


Harsh living conditions and little to no favor from the government create ongoing challenges for displaced families. Through partnership, Convoy of Hope implemented strategic feeding strategies for refugee families. This allowed us to address this need among the most vulnerable population in France: Eritrean, Afghan, Syrian, and various North African refugees.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in France here.

Flag - Greece


Through partnership in Greece, Convoy of Hope began providing food for immigrant and refugee children as an ongoing programmatic response to the Syrian refugee crisis.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Greece here.

Flag - Moldova


Convoy of Hope began implementing program work in Moldova in 2020. In 2021, Convoy made the shift to establish consistent programming in both Agriculture and Women’s Empowerment.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Moldova here.

Flag - Spain


Spain has become a gateway for refugees fleeing war and famine in Africa and the Middle East. In 2020, through partnership, Convoy of Hope responded in the midst of a global pandemic and provided much-needed food to vulnerable women and families. This led to the start of Women’s Empowerment programming in Spain. This allowed us to come alongside our partners to offer vocational training to these women. In 2021, we broadened our reach through Children’s Feeding.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Spain here.

Flag - USA

United States of America

Convoy of Hope’s very first act of kindness was at a 1994 Community Event in Los Angeles. Since then, Convoy of Hope has served millions of people in the U.S. through disaster response, community engagement, and invaluable partnerships. From its headquarters in Springfield, Missouri, Convoy sends truckloads of food and relief supplies to big cities and small towns alike.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in the U.S. here.

Flag - Australia


Convoy of Hope launched an Agriculture program in Australia to mitigate the destruction caused by the 2019-20 bushfires. After responding to this disaster, Convoy equipped students with seedlings to care for and disperse among community members — restoring their gardens and recreation spaces. Australia also serves as a strategic hub for Convoy of Hope’s Pacific disaster responses, such as the 2021 volcanic eruption near Tonga.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Australia here.


In 2022, Convoy of Hope launched its Agriculture program in Colombia with a focus on the internally displaced population. Agriculture is the tool and lever that is being used to break the cycle of poverty. Through agricultural training, Convoy of Hope is building the capacity of local farmers to ensure food security. Additionally, Convoy began feeding children regularly and will continue to expand its programs throughout the country of Colombia.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Colombia here.

Dominican Republic

In 2022, through partnership, Convoy of Hope launched Children’s Feeding in the Dominican Republic, providing regular, nutritious meals in schools. These nutrient-enriched meals address malnutrition and anemia for children in this context. Additionally, Women’s Empowerment and Girls’ Empowerment programming has allowed for additional community development. These programs address the family as a whole and help end cycles of generational poverty. Convoy of Hope will soon launch its Agriculture program in an effort to create long-term food security and sustainability.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Dominican Republic here.

Flag - El Salvador

El Salvador

Convoy of Hope began working in El Salvador in 1998 after Hurricane Mitch devastated the country. While continuing to aid affected Central American countries in the wake of recurring natural disasters, Convoy of Hope launched the Children’s Feeding initiative in 2007. Convoy of Hope expanded its presence in 2011 to include Women’s Empowerment and Agriculture projects that addressed the underlying causes of childhood malnutrition throughout the country.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in El Salvador here.

Flag - Guatemala


Convoy of Hope has a strong history with Guatemala due to our response to natural disasters. Through partnership, Convoy began ongoing program activity within the country in 2019. By establishing Children’s Feeding, Women’s Empowerment, and Agriculture initiatives, Convoy has been able to directly address malnutrition and generational poverty. Convoy of Hope has also helped unravel the roots of food insecurity through empowerment and training programs that focus on long-term sustainability and both economic and family health.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Guatemala here.

Flag - Haiti


Convoy of Hope has been active in Haiti since 2006, primarily working through an in-country partnership that started as a result of a grant to help feed children in the local schools. Convoy’s work was catapulted to greater heights after the 2010 earthquake and has stayed strong through all of the turbulence the last decade has brought to Haiti.

Haiti was also the pilot country for Convoy’s Agriculture program. Through this initiative, rural farmers receive training to produce larger crops so they can better their lives and the lives of hungry children.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Haiti here.

Flag - Honduras


Convoy of Hope has provided humanitarian aid in Honduras since 1998. In 2011, Convoy of Hope began a nationwide Children’s Feeding program along with 46 other community organizations, schools, and churches. At minimum, Convoy of Hope provides regular, nutritious meals to children who are experiencing food insecurity. Convoy has also expanded programming to include Women’s Empowerment and Agriculture to address long-term sustainability and development.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Honduras here.

Flag - Nicaragua


Convoy of Hope began working in Nicaragua in 1998 after Hurricane Mitch devastated the country. While Convoy of Hope continued providing aid in the aftermath of subsequent storms and droughts that occurred, Nicaragua became an official program country in 2006 after Convoy established a strategic feeding program for children. Following that success, Convoy of Hope expanded its presence in the country by starting both Women’s Empowerment and Agriculture programs in 2014.

Read more about Convoy of Hope’s work in Nicaragua here.

Note: Convoy of Hope also serves in several sensitive countries and responds to disasters in many others. Not all countries with active work are listed here.

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