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Convoy Aids Africans Battling Locusts & Crop Decimation

Tanzania Reported by Allen Tignor

Swarms of desert locusts have descended upon parts of Tanzania and Kenya. The large, flying grasshoppers are destroying crops and causing food insecurity for communities who live off the land. The Tanzanian government is deploying crop dusting planes to spray pesticides in the affected areas. Local residents must avoid touching or eating fallen locusts since they may contain poison from the pesticides.

The latest infestation was in the northern Kilimanjaro region, and farmers are hopeful for a reprieve. Through your generosity, Convoy of Hope has provided food for those in need.

“Convoy of Hope has supported the community of Emurutoto this year,” said Wilfrida Roman, Convoy of Hope Tanzania Nutritionist. “We returned to the community with seed to plant on the farm, but unfortunately the eruption of locusts destroyed the crops. As a result, this has caused food insecurity because of the low production of maize.” 

But even amid the swarms and loss of crops, hope was being planted.

“We thank Convoy of Hope and the church for responding to this by providing a manner whereby we have maize to distribute to these households that are food insecure,” Wilfrida said. “Today, we are supporting more than 500 households with maize that they will be using for three months.”

Members of one Massai tribe came together to thank Convoy of Hope for its efforts to feed the hungry. They said, “We glorify God for this day. Hallelujah!”

Convoy of Hope is committed to helping as many people as we can for as long as we can. Thank you for your support to feed people suffering from this locust infestation.

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