April 3, 2017 | 4:25 p.m.
LIMA, PERU — Over the weekend, our team continued to provide emergency supplies for families located in isolated areas. A team of volunteers bagged 1,500 family food kits that were delivered to the communities of Trujillo and Chiclayo. These communities had been cut off from outside aid and had little to no supplies available in the grocery stores.
Sawyer Water Filters were distributed in Piura — one of the most severely affected communities that just recently became accessible. These filters will provide clean, safe water for families who have been without it for weeks.
We are thankful for more than 240 volunteers that have made this response a success. To date, we have distributed nearly 50,000 meals, 48 solar lamps, and 50 water filters. Your kindness has provided hope for tens of thousands of families whose lives were impacted by flooding in Peru. Thank you!
March 29, 2017 | 10:30 a.m.
LIMA, PERU — A major route opened up today, allowing access to two large cities in the northern part of Peru that have been badly affected by flooding. Due to the lack of available supplies in those communities, we purchased product in Lima to be transported north.
More than 1,500 family food kits will be packaged and delivered to Trujillo and Chiclayo, where assistance is desperately needed, but wasn’t accessible until now.
Food has continued to be the most significant need as local markets are empty. After seeing our Facebook Live update, a local distributor in Peru donated five tons of non-perishable foods to the residents of Huarmey. They had not been aware of the gravity of the need until seeing the video. You can watch the video here.
March 27, 2017 | 11:30 p.m.
HUARMEY, PERU — Over the weekend, our team began distribution of hygiene kits in the center of Huarmey and made its way to three communities in the Andes. There, Sawyer Water Filters were distributed and leaders were trained on the use and care of the filters. Children and families had been drinking out of the river, which was contaminated from the floods. Families were thankful beyond words and relieved that hope came to their isolated villages.
March 25, 2017 | 10 a.m.
LIMA, PERU — Yesterday, our team met with local leaders in Peru to review reports and determine the areas of greatest need. The team also distributed LuminAID Solar Lanterns to displaced families in the city of No Carapongo, where many people are living in tents with no water or electricity.
So far, 100,000 homes have been destroyed and more than 600,000 people have been displaced. The infrastructure of Lima was crippled with 175 bridges being swept away and 200 more expected to crumble. Hygiene is currently a major unmet need in the communities surrounding Lima. Our team purchased supplies to make 500 hygiene kits for families, which will be distributed on Sunday.
March 23, 2017 | 7 a.m.
LIMA, PERU — Convoy of Hope is responding to record flooding in Peru. The Peruvian government estimates that there are upwards of 70,000 damaged or destroyed homes, leaving hundreds of thousands of people in limbo. Water treatment plants have also been compromised in many parts of the country.
Our Disaster Services team is en route to Peru with Sawyer Water Filters and LuminAID Solar Lanterns that will be distributed to flood survivors in need. Rains are expected to continue for the next several weeks, heightening concerns for additional landslides and damage. Our team will work with local partners to continue to identify needs in the coming days.