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The Children, Families & Communities of Haiti

USA Reported by Convoy of Hope

The poverty in Haiti is unmistakable, but laughter, beauty, and courtesy are the hallmarks that shout: “Riches can be found in hard work and relationships — not just in monetary wealth.” Convoy of Hope is counting on that through their Children’s Feeding and Agriculture initiatives, which couple financial and relational wealth so that children, families, and entire communities are made stronger.

“We’re feeding more than 67,000 kids through partner schools and organizations in Haiti,” says Kevin Rose, Senior Director of Global Program. “Our feeding initiative invests in the future of Haiti — its children.”

Children like 10-year-old Saraphina. Her grey and navy school uniform is dotted with stains and her hair is pulled into pigtails, tied with big navy bows. Erupting in laughter with her friends, a large grin reveals a perfect row of white teeth. Her school day is carefree — she knows it’s a safe place, with a warm meal and good friends.

“I know when you have, it’s important to give. Thank you to the people who give us food.”

—Saraphina, Children’s Feeding participant

Saraphina dreams of making the world a better place. Her younger brother has hearing problems, which is part of the reason she aspires to become a nurse. But not just to help her own family; she wants to help others too.

“Whenever someone needs help, they have to have money to get it,” she says, with wisdom beyond her years. “I want to become a nurse so I can help those people who can’t afford it.”

Saraphina’s mother is a street vendor and her father fixes radios. Like many Haitians, they’re hard-working and determined to provide for their families. But the economics of poverty don’t always allow the latter. Saraphina says she has experienced hunger in the past, but since meeting Convoy of Hope, she doesn’t go hungry.

“I know that when you have, it’s important to give,” she says graciously. “Thank you to the people who give us food.”

Taking the worry out of where their next meal is coming from is one of Convoy of Hope’s goals. One way Convoy does that is by working with farmers through their Agriculture initiative.



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